Ahmed (Ahmad) Samir Alfaar

MBBCh, MSc (Ophth.), MSc (Onco.), Dip. Informatics (Egypt), Dr. med., FEBO, MD/PhD
Speciality: Ophthalmology, Medical Informatics
Memberships: German Medical Council - Germany. GMC - United Kingdom (Nr. 7889981) , 
             Egyptian Medical Syndicate - Egypt, Switzerland Medical Chamber

Through this website, I would like to share my work, activities, ideas, and passion.  My aim is to recruit different technologies and methods to improve the understanding of eye diseases. I am working on building bridges between Medicine, Education, Research, and Informatics (.. even more fields 🙂 ) … Somewhere in the world, they need these bridges to talk and a patient may survive a minute (or more) longer (hopefully healthy) or introduce innovative solutions … My interests are Ophthalmology, Ocular Oncology, Pediatric Oncology, Health Informatics, Research Informatics, Computational Biology, Statistics, and eLearning.

Follow the impressions of our latest articles:


Eye Cancers

Eye diseases

Global Ophthalmology


Further Profiles: ResearchGate ORCiD – ScholarPublons DimensionsORCIDLOOPScopus

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External links

Recommended for Inherited Retinal Diseases Patients in Germany: By PRO RETINA: Know your genePatient register for visually impaired peopleLHON patient register.

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MD/PhD on a new inflammatory retinal biomarker


Source: swr Channel

Newly Published

عَنِ ابنِ عباسٍ - رضي اللهُ عنهما - قال: قال رسولُ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم: « نِعمَتانِ مغبونٌ فيهما كثيرٌ من الناسِ: الصَّحَّةُ والفَّراغُ» رواه البخاري.

Ophthalmology Awareness

  • Glaucoma Awareness Month
  • January 4World Braille Day (UN-recognized)
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month
  • Retinopathy of Prematurity Awareness Week (Last week)
  • Workplace Eye Wellness Month
  • March 12–18World Glaucoma Week
  • March 23World Optometry Day
  • Sports Eye Safety Month
  • Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month
  • International Guide Dog Day (April 24):
  • Healthy Vision Month.
  • World Retinoblastoma Awareness Week (mid-May).
  • Inherited Retinal Disease Genetic Testing Month
  • Myopia Awareness Week (Mid-May)
  • Cataract Awareness Month
  • International Nystagmus Awareness Day (June 20)
  • International Albinism Awareness Day (June 13)
  • Dry Eye Awareness Month
  • Fireworks Safety Week (Early July)

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

Inflammatory Eye Disease (IED) Awareness Week (3rd week)

  • Eye Injury Prevention Month
  • World Sight Day (IAPB-led): Second Thursday of October:
  • October 15White Cane Safety Day
    Recognizes the independence of people who are blind and the symbol of the white cane.
  • Contact Lens Safety Month (October)
  • Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month
  • World Keratoconus Day (November 10)
  • Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) Awareness Week (Mid-November):
  • Safe Toys and Gifts Month
  • Geographic Atrophy (GA) Awareness Week (Early December)

Let's talk about stories I got from many cities around the world:







