Research Grants

2014 Apr: Research and Development Innovation RDI – Grant, Egypt (650,000 Euro). – PI’s didn’t proceed to receive it due to political situation in Egypt and didn’t sign the contract.

2013 Nov: LeHo – Learning at Home and in the Hospital Project. EACEA (Education and Culture European Agency). 455,000 Euro. 3 Years to Dec 2016. Co-investigator.


2019 Jan: Top Reviewer Award, JCO Clinical Informatics Journal, American Society of Clinical Oncology

2014 Nov: Best presentation award, Egyptian Ophthalmological Society meeting, Alexandria, Egypt.

2014 July: US Department of State Alumni Awards, US Embassy, Cairo – Health Program.

2014 May: Conquer Cancer Foundation / American Society of Clinical Oncology International Development and Education Award (IDEA)

2009 Apr: eLearning in Practice Course, InWent-Germany (Partial Grant – Course Scholarship)
2008 May: The Best Educational Laparoscopic Surgery video -World best 30, WebSurg, Strasbourg, France: Prof. Amr Mohsen Crew as film director

2007 Mar: Special mentions “KasrAlAiny School of Medicine Website – The eLearning Portal” eLearning Partition, The National E-Content Award 2006

2005 Jun: Certificate of Appreciation, Building Webspace, Egyptian Association for International Medical Studies

2005 Feb: Best Educational CD and educational material submitted by youth in Egyptian Universities Youth Week in Mansourah.

2005 Feb: 3rd Best Educational material in the same competition.

2004 Dec: 1st Best Educational CD and educational material submitted by students to Cairo University Science Club, for Gynaecology CD

2004 Dec: 2nd Best Educational CD and educational material in the same competition, for Parasitology CD, also my team had the 4th and 5th grades in the same competition.

2004 Dec: Certificate of Appreciation for Parasitology eLearning Material Production, Parasitology Department, Faculty of Medicine, CU

1998 Aug: The National Award for Ideal student in secondary schools

+ Many other appreciations for school, district and state-level competitions winning 1988-1999.

Personal Development Funding

2015 Apr: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). German-Egyptian Research Long-term Scholarship (GERLS). 4-Year PhD scholarship.

2014 Mar: Misr ElKheir Foundation Grant, Egypt 2014, Egypt

2014 Feb: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). German Egyptian Research Short term Scholarship (GERSS)

2014 Jan: European Association of Cancer Research. Two months Travel Grant.

2013 Nov: ESMO Symposium on Immuno-Oncology, Geneva, Switzerland. Travel Grant

2013 Aug: International Society of Genetic Eye Diseases and Retinoblastoma (ISGEDR) meeting, Ghent, Belgium (Travel Grant)

2012 Nov: ESMO Translational Research Unit Visit, Christie Hospital, Manchester.

2012 Sep: European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), Vienna, Austria (Travel Grant)

2012 Aug: Ruth and Adolf Merckle Foundation Scholarship for Studying Oncology, Ulm University, Germany. (– July 2014.)

2012 Mar: Methods of Cancer Research Workshop, European Society of Medical Oncology , American Society of Clinical Oncology and King Abdel Aziz City for Science and Technology, Al-Ahsaa, Saudi Arabia. 17-21. (Course Scholarship and Travel Grant)

2011 Sep: North African Community Health Initiative, Legacy International – USA, Roanoke – Virginia, USA (Travel Grant)

2011 Jan: International Society of Genetic Eye Diseases and Retinoblastoma (ISGEDR) meeting travel grant, Bangalore, India (Travel Grant)